Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Shipping news: New Vietnam port link in the pipeline

via CAAI

Tuesday, 09 November 2010 15:01 Chun Sophal  

VIETNAM’S Saigon Newport Corporation has signed an agreement to ship goods to and from Phnom Penh Autonomous Port.

Bui Van Quy, general director of Saigon Newsport Corporation, stated that the additional link to both Cat Lai and Cai Mep ports in Vietnam would enable reduced goods transfer times.

The new service is set to run two times a week, loading 128 twenty-foot equivilant units (TEUs) per boat, with transfer times of around 34 hours.

“We commit to provide a shipping service with confidence, short times and quality to our customers,” he said.

Bui Van Quy said the decision to connect shipping services between his company and the Phnom Penh port was made in response to growing demand for Cambodia freight routes.

Saigon Newport Corporation is a leading operator in Vietnamese shipment and operates 22 subsidiaries, specialising in port processing, stock control and construction.

Hy Pavy, general director of the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port, said the link would help Cambodian goods be transported to an international environment, as Cai Mep acts as a link between the Kingdom and United States and European markets.

According to figures obtained from Phnom Penh Autonomous Port, 53,011 TEUs of goods were shipped in the first 10 months of 2010, a 49 percent increase on the 35,648 TEUs transported last year.

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