Thursday, 2 December 2010

Cut troops, cut tension

via CAAI

Published: 2/12/2010
Newspaper section: News

The reality we all have to accept is that closer relations between Thailand and Cambodia will not come about overnight, though one must agree that we are on the right track towards reaching that goal.

The latest sign of improving ties is a decision by the two governments on a visa-free agreement. The agreement, which was signed by Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya and his Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong during the Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy in Phnom Penh on Nov 16, will take effect on Dec 16.

It will undoubtedly encourage travel, foster people contacts and bolster the tourism sector of the two countries. Thais and Cambodians can stay in each other's countries for 14 days without the need to apply for a visa, as is required at present.

This visa-free initiative would not have been possible if the two countries were still at odds with each other. Back in July, Thailand and Cambodia were still on different paths over the management plan of Preah Vihear Temple, which in 2008 was listed as a World Heritage site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Bangkok had blocked the plan on grounds that the overlapping area of 4.6 square kilometres around the ancient temple must be demarcated first.

But things have turned around, since ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra became no longer needed by Cambodia as an adviser to Phnom Penh and stepped down from that position in August. That cleared the way for Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and Cambodian Premier Hun Sen to try to restore deteriorating ties at a meeting in the United States a month later.

Although Thaksin no longer stands in the way for the two leaders to improve bilateral relations, the present atmosphere is not conducive for the two countries to sit down and search for a way out on the management plan for Preah Vihear. But they still have plenty of time to carefully and thoroughly work out the issue before it is tabled again at the World Heritage Committee meeting hosted by Bahrain in June next year.

The decision by Phnom Penh yesterday to delay the opening of the border with Thailand at the ancient temple underlines the sensitivity of the issue. Cambodia has closed this portion of the border opposite Kantharalak district in Si Sa Ket province since June 2008, following brief armed clashes. Recently improving relations have raised hopes that the border gates could be re-opened one day soon.

Thus far, this has not been realised.

Still, what is more important than the border re-opening is the serious effort to ease border tensions and prevent future conflicts in the disputed land area around the temple.

Bangkok and Phnom Penh have their troops stationed around Wat Kaew Sikha Khiri Sawara, located at the foot of Preah Vihear, to back their sovereignty claims. The Thai and Cambodian soldiers there are on amicable terms, though there is a certain amount of wariness.

So far both sides have been reluctant to reduce forces in the overlapping zone. Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon and his Cambodian counterpart Tea Banh agreed in October to adjust the positioning of their troops. But that meant nothing except moving the soldiers away from one spot to another. And it certainly is not enough. Peace at the border will be possible only with fewer soldiers - if not the total withdrawal of all Thai and Cambodian troops from the area.

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