Thursday, 16 December 2010

Fugitive kidnapping suspect back in custody

via CAAI

Thursday, 16 December 2010 15:00 Chrann Chamroeun

KAMPONG Cham provincial police re-arrested and charged a 27-year-old woman accused of kidnapping and attempted extortion after she escaped earlier in the week by climbing through the roof of a bathroom.

Police arrested Khuon Srey Neang, 27, late on Tuesday night in Koh Sotin district, where she had gone into hiding following her escape.

“We already sent her to provincial court this morning, where she has been officially charged with kidnapping and extortion,” said Chem Seng Hong, provincial deputy police chief.

He added that provincial police took great care and expense in tracking down the fugitive.

Khuon Srey Neang was arrested last week at a bank in Phnom Penh, where she was awaiting the transfer of a negotiated US$12,000 ransom transfer from the family of the abducted child, who was returned unharmed.

The suspect escaped a day after her arrest after police officers escorted her to a bathroom, where she locked the door from inside and climbed out a small opening in the roof.

Chem Seng Hong said the suspect would likely remain in pre-trial detention following questioning at the provincial court.

He added that he regretted the neglect that led to the escape.

“We were terribly sorry for the small negligence that let the offender flee from our detention facilities,” Chem Seng Hong said yesterday.

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