Monday, 20 December 2010

Jungle hunt for rape suspect

via CAAI

Monday, 20 December 2010 15:01 Sen David

POLICE are searching for a man suspected of raping a 3-year-old girl in Stung Treng province’s Siem Bok district on the weekend.

Sen Vathana, district chief of the serious crime bureau, said the mother of the girl filed a complaint to police on Saturday, after she came home from a nearby market to find her daughter crying and bleeding between the legs.

He said the suspect had allegedly tricked the mother into leaving the girl home alone for a short time by giving her 1,000 riels to buy petrol at a market about 100 metres from their home.

Sen Vathana said the mother had confronted the suspect before going to police, giving him time to flee into the jungle.

“After the incident, the victim’s mother confronted the suspect at his house, which frightened him into running for the jungle,” he said. “The victim’s mother should have informed the police before confronting the suspect.”

He said police regretted that the suspect had evaded arrest, and would continue searching for him.

“We are searching for him in the jungle,” he said.

Hou Sam Ol, provincial investigating officer for Adhoc, said the rights group would also investigate the case.

“The victim is so young. She is just three years old,” he said. “I appeal to the authorities to find the suspect for sentencing.”

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