Sunday, 23 January 2011

Chai: Yellow-shirts should go home

via CAAI

Published: 22/01/2011
The yellow-shirt supporters of the Thai Patriots Network should end their rally at Government House as Cambodia now has freed the five Thais, House Speaker Chai Chidchob said on Saturday.

“The fate of the remaining two Thais, Veera Somkwamkid, a coordinator of the network, and his secretary Ratree Pipatanapaibul, will be known on February 1.

“If they were given jail term, the government will seek royal pardon for them. Therefore, it’s useless to continue rallying,” said Mr Chai.

The house speaker said the government had done a good job, while the he had contacted the Cambodian House speaker Heng Samrin to help seek the release of the seven Thais.

Chavanond Intarakomalyasut, secretary to the foreign minister, on Saturday morning traveled to Phnom Penh to take the five Thais back home.

It was reported that the five Thais, including Democrat MP Panich Vikitsreth, will arrive at Suvarnabhumi airport late this afternoon.

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