via CAAI
13 Jan 11
by Sophie Aubrey

Chelsea's Andy Kent with orphans from Cambodia
ANDY Kent is no ordinary dad. With 25 Cambodian children who have dubbed him their Poppa Andy, this father of four has a lot of love to give.
It was after a trip to Africa in 2007 that the engineer from Chelsea decided he wanted to make a difference.
“The devastation just ripped me apart and I decided to do something,” Mr Kent said.
He began making regular visits to Cambodia and this year co-founded Build Foundation, a non-profit organisation aiming to help people out of poverty and provide protection, care and support for children.
The organisation recently teamed with the Sao Sary Foundation, which provides accommodation and education for more than 130 victims of child trafficking, in Kampong Speu province.
Mr Kent said many poverty-stricken children were at risk of being sold or kidnapped.
“We need to get them out of that danger and work with families to create a sustainable income,” he said.
Mr Kent spends up to three months a year working closely with Kampong Speu locals.
“They need someone who can give them hope,” Mr Kent said.
“Watching the children improve through just a little bit of effort and a little bit of giving makes everything worthwhile.”
The partner foundations are now designing a child protection centre made of shipping containers to be completed and self-sustainable by 2015.
The centre will house more than 100 children and provide paid work.
Volunteers are invited to join the Build Cambodia trip in September 2011.
“We want to give people an opportunity to open their hearts and get involved,” Mr Kent said.
The last trip saw 16 volunteers raise $22,000, build 10 houses and a temporary classroom, distribute clothing and set up a rice bank, all in just three weeks.
Volunteers also had the chance to take regular trips to Phnom Penh to gain a deeper understanding of the Cambodian people and culture.
Details: or phone Andy on 0417 104 741.
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