Sunday, 20 February 2011

Church building beds for kids in orphanages

via CAAI

Church building bunk beds for Cambodian orphanages could use some help

Date published: 2/19/2011

Fairview at Riverclub will have a rather unusual building project going on in the parking lot adjacent to its building tomorrow.

And Riverclub, a campus of Fairview Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, hopes community members will come by and help.

Volunteers will be building 80 bunk beds tomorrow to benefit Cambodian orphans, many of whom don't have beds to sleep on.

The building will start at 6 a.m., said Rachael George, a member of Riverclub and a student at Liberty University.

Materials and tools are on site; volunteers should bring gloves and be prepared to work at assembly stations. Riverclub is at 10835 Tidewater Trail, across from Bloom supermarket.

George and a group of students went on a mission trip to Cambodia, in Southeast Asia, three years ago.

"We visited 10 orphanages there. I came home and told my dad about the amazing trip, but that there were 300 kids sleeping on the ground," she said.

Last year, she returned with her father, Julius. He met with a Christian relief agency there, New Hope for Orphans, and the bunk-bed project was born.

The beds will be shipped to Cambodia this summer. For more information, contact Julius George at 540/846-6624.

Rusty Dennen: 540/374-5431

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