Friday, 11 February 2011

DAP News. Breaking News by Soy Sopheap

via CAAI

Cambodia Hosts 6th ASEAN-Japan Dialogue on Counter–Terrorism

Thursday, 10 February 2011 09:13 DAP-NEWS/CHAN DAVY

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA, FEB 10, 2011-Cambodia on Thursday hosted 6th ASEAN –Japan dialogue counter-terrorism, aiming at continuing to strengthen cooperation in region and the world.

“We all know that in 2010 the world faced many major problems such as the impacts of economics crisis, natural disasters and the nuclear crisis of North Korea and Iran,” Cambodia’s Home minister Sar Kheng told the meeting.

“Terrorism remains a hot topic threatening people in many countries in the world including the countries of ASEAN despite active efforts at national, regional and international levels, he stresses.

“We all thanked for Japan in providing fund for projects in fighting against terrorism in ASEAN to including Cambodia, He added. Cambodia also ratified 12 UN conventions and protocols on counter-terrorism to fill loopholes within the legal context of the country.

Cambodian courts jailed dozen of criminals who planned to plot bomb attack on the embassy of western countries in Phnom Penh recently and in the past years.


Thai Troops are Afraid of Live Capturing, Cambodian Defense Minister

Thursday, 10 February 2011 09:10 DAP-NEWS/VENG SAKANA

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA, FEB 10, 2011-Cambodia’s Defense Minister Tea Banh said on Thursday that Cambodia has enough weapons for firing with the Thai invasion at the area near the 11th century Khmer Preah Vihear temple, stressing that Thai troops are afraid of live capturing from Cambodian armed forces.

“Thai troops are concerned about the live arrest from Cambodian troops if fighting,” the minister said. Last fighting earlier week, Cambodia arrested five Thai troops. Later all prisoners were released but one Thai soldier was released under witnesses from Thai ambassador and defense ministry.

The last fighting killed 5 Cambodians and 45 injured. PM Hun Sen gave $10,000 each for funeral ceremony and families of the dead solider.

Thai troops invaded Cambodian soil near the temple on July 2008, and UN Security Council will call on the meeting next Monday over war at the border. Foreign Ministers from Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia, who is chairing the ASEAN, will attend the meeting about the Thai invasion on Cambodian soil after PM Hun Sen filed the complaints to the UN. PM Hun Sen also urged the UN forces to deploy at the area.


Thai Ambitions Still Want Preah Vihear Temple, Former Cambodian King

Thursday, 10 February 2011 04:42 DAP-NEWS/SOPHAT

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA, FEB 10, 2011-“Thailand has wanted to take Khmer Preah Vihear temple even though the international court of justice in The Hague ruled in 1962 that “Preah Vihear temple absolutely belongs to Khmer,” Former Cambodian King Norodom Sihanouk said in his statement obtained On Wednesday.

Thai armed forces have always kept in minds to take Khmer Preah Vihear temple,” the former king said in his statement posting on his website on February 8 from Beijing, where he stays for medical treatment.

To finish the conflict with Thailand, Norodom Sihanouk filed the complaint to international court of justice to resolve the serious matters, the former king stresses.

“In 1962, the court clearly showed us and ruled the verdict that “Preah Vihear temple belongs to Khmer,” the former king stresses.

In 1954, Thai troops invaded Cambodian soil and occupied the 11th century Preah Vihear temple and in 1959, former king Norodom Sihanouk lodged the complaint to the international court of justice.

On July 15, 2008, Thai troop invaded Cambodian soil at areas near the temple again after Cambodia successfully enlisted the temple as world heritage site on July 7, 2008.

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