Thursday, 10 February 2011

The Phnom Penh Post News in Brief

via CAAI

Man charged with rape of 8-year-old girl

Wednesday, 09 February 2011 15:01 Mom Kunthear

Phnom Penh Municipal Court charged a 29-year-old man yesterday with raping an 8-year-old girl after his arrest on Tuesday in Meanchey district. Kong Sam Orn, Meanchey deputy district police chief, said yesterday that the man is suspected of repeatedly raping the young girl since August last year. The girl’s family filed a complaint with police officers after the victim told her mother the suspect had been abusing her. Kong Sam Orn said that cooperation between Meanchey district police and Boeung Tompun commune police officers led to the suspect’s arrest.

King Sihamoni visits Kampong Thom

Wednesday, 09 February 2011 15:01 Kim Yuthana

King Norodom Sihamoni on Tuesday travelled to Kampong Thom’s Stoang district to distribute gifts to nearly 600 area villagers. Kampong Thom Governor Chun Chorn said yesterday that citizens and civil servants welcomed the monarch warmly during his visit, adding that the King’s visit was an important part of the Royal family’s humanitarian work. “The King always pays close attention to the hardships suffered by citizens across the country,” Chun Chorn said.

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