Monday, 14 February 2011

Thai Patriots Network Warns Cambodian Air Force May Have Working Airplane

Do not laugh too much Siamese ..... and do not look down the others as Buddha said... Remember the Vietnam war .... American got everything .... Did American win the war ? So do Siamese ... Win first before you laugh

via CAAI

'Savage Enemy' Known to Possess Communist Warplanes

3 Feb 2011

ARANYAPRATHET – Attempting to alert more Thais to the imminent danger of a possible war with “Cambodian aggressors,” the Thai Patriots Network, or TPN, announced today that the Cambodian Air Force might actually have a plane that can fly.

Deadly MIG could strike deep into Thai territory if it could fly

“We have reason to believe that the wicked Khmers have developed first-strike capabilities,” said Chaiwat Sinsuwong. As evidence, he presented a declassified 1993 US intelligence report which listed the Cambodian Air Force’s assets, including five incomplete Russian-built 1973 MiG21Fs.

Although the intelligence report also stated that none of the fighter jets were operational, Chaiyat believed that the Cambodians might be able to assemble one good plane out of the usable parts.

“Maintenance instructions for the MiG are widely available on the Internet,” he pointed out.

Speaking from the TPN’s protest site at the Thai-Cambodian border, where the TPN claims Cambodia has infringed on Thai soil, Chaiyat said that a single enemy fighter jet could conceivably “attack Bangkok, even His Majesty’s palace,” and urged all Thai citizens to prepare for war against a “savage enemy.”

A spokesperson for the Royal Thai Air Force played down the possibility of an airstrike from Cambodia.

“We have three squadrons of F-16s ready to scramble at a moment’s notice,” said a visibly amused Air Chief Marshal Itthaporn Subhawong. “Although, to be honest, we could probably take down a single MiG21 with a couple of our training jets.”


  1. Wow, the Siems are pretty arrogant. Having fighter squardrons don't mean much. Cambodian have enought air defense system that can take down any jets. Not only that, RCAF have a battalion of soldiers with the latest SAM's including the deadly stinger SAMs.

    1. The cambodian army doesn't have any anti-aircraft launchers. They only have some Post-world war 2 Soviet Anti-aircraft cannons. And their MIGs and all Jets are now out of service rotting under the humidity and sun at Pochentong Intl. Airport

    2. The cambodian army doesn't have any anti-aircraft launchers. They only have some Post-world war 2 Soviet Anti-aircraft cannons. And their MIGs and all Jets are now out of service rotting under the humidity and sun at Pochentong Intl. Airport

  2. Yea, but I wish we have a fighter squadron equiped with at least 10
    Mig-21s or Mig-23s multi-role jet fighters. Please Cambodian Air force, buy these jets soon. The Siem will think twice. They are chicken.
