Tuesday, 1 March 2011

AKP - The Agence Kampuchea Press

via CAAI

More Operating Licenses Granted to Operators of Securities Exchange in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP – The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) has given operating licenses to many operators of securities exchange in Cambodia.

A licensing presentation ceremony was held at Phnom Penh Hotel on Feb. 28 under the presidency of Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance and SECC Chairman.

In the ceremony, SECC granted the accreditations to the operator of a securities market, operator of a cleaning and settlement facility, and the operator of a securities depository, and the accreditation of the cash settlement agents, securities registrars, securities transfer agents, paying agents, and professional accounting firms and independent auditors providing professional services in the securities sector.

Cambodia Securities Exchange’s licenses play a role as the operator of a securities market, the operator of market, the operator of a cleaning and settlement facility, and the operator of a securities depository, said the minister of economy and finance. –AKP

By THOU Peou


DPM Yim Chhay Ly Asks Japan to Further Help Clean Water Project in Northeastern Provinces

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP – Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Yim Chhay Ly has asked Japan to further help clean water project in two northeastern provinces of Cambodia.

Access to clean water is one of the national development goals. The royal government has set 2025 for all the people to have access to clean water and sanitation, and the Japanese government through JICA has also approved around US$33 million for this project, he said last week in Memut district, Kampong Cham province, at the closing ceremony of Clean Water Supply Program-Phase III supported by Japan.

Clean water is very vital for our ethnic minority groups in Rattanakiri and Mondulkiri provinces, he said. –AKP

By KHAN Sophirom


Cambodia-U.S. Military Medical Teams Provide Medical Health Care to Cambodians

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP – Cambodian and U.S. military medical teams have jointly provided free medical check-up and treatment to Cambodian people at Prey Nup district of Preah Sihanouk province.

Gen. Bird Song, medical doctor of U.S. marine said that the three-day humanitarian works would provide medical check-up and treatment up to some 3,000 people.

The joint voluntary mission focused on elderly people and children who had eye problems and other related diseases. –AKP

By CHEA Vannak


2,000 Cambodian Children To Receive Free Dental Treatment

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP – Some 2,000 Cambodian children are expected to receive free dental care from Kids International Dental Services Organization.
The treatment will be conducted for two weeks in Phnom Penh capital city, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng and Kampong Cham provinces.

On Feb. 28, children at NGO Riverkids and Tuol Sangke Community of Russey Keo district, Phnom Penh were benefited from the free treatment.

According to Dr. Purobi Phillips, president of Kids International Dental Services, 28 dentists from the U.S., Japan, Holland and the UK have been joining the mission conducted in three countries including the Philippines, Guatemala and Cambodia. –AKP

By LIM Nary


UNESCO Special Envoy: The Delisting of Preah Vihear Temple Is Impossible

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP — UNESCO Special Envoy Mr. Koichiro Matsuura said he told the Thai prime minister and foreign minister that the delisting of Preah Vihear Temple is impossible because the temple is of outstanding universal value, Ieng Sophalèt, assistant to the Cambodian premier told reporters.

During a meeting here yesterday with Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Mr. Koichiro Matsuura agreed with the premier’s request concerning the repair of the Khmer Temple of Preah Vihear, stressing that UNESCO’s experts will oversee, protect and safeguard this heritage, said the assistant.

For his part, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said the management of UNESCO World Heritage should not be abandoned because of the threat from Thailand.

He also hoped that UNESCO will send its experts to examine, assess and rehabilitate the temple listed as a World Heritage Site in July 2008.

The Cambodian prime minister further urged the special envoy to examine the source of Cambodia-Thailand dispute and tension whether it was due to the listing of Preah Vihear Temple as a World Heritage Site or to Thailand’s aggression against Cambodia.

Following on the same day, Mr. Koichiro Matsuura also met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers H.E. Sok An.

The UNESCO special envoy underlined that the purpose of his visit to Thailand and Cambodia was to hear the reports from both sides and he had not expressed his position whether he is for or against any side. He added that his delegation would not visit the Temple of Preah Vihear, but a group of experts is planning to visit the temple after the arrival of observers from Indonesia for the Cambodia-Thailand ceasefire.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Sok An presented Mr. Koichiro Matsuura about the serious damages of Preah Vihear Temple due to the recent war between Cambodia


COMMENTARY: Damage Caused by Thai Aggression

Phnom Penh, March 1, 2011 AKP – In just four days of aggression (4-7 February 2011), Thai military forces inflicted great damage to and around the Temple of Preah Vihear, and to areas of Cambodia up to 20 kilometres from the temple.
In the Thai attacks with both infantry and artillery, four Cambodian soldiers and one policeman were killed and 30 were wounded. The Thai shelling killed two civilians and wounded one.

The Thai artillery appeared to be deliberately targeting both civilian areas and Cambodian cultural and religious works.

As a result of the attacks, civilians were forced to flee from Svay Chrum, the Preah Vihear Eco-Village, Techo Bossabov Village and Sen Chhey Village. If the intention was to create large numbers of refugees who would complicate the Cambodian authorities’ response to the Thai attacks, that was the result. Some 10,000 Cambodian villagers — 1000 of them children and 500 of them elderly — were forced to flee their homes.

Harm to cultural and religious property included serious damage to Wat Keo Sikha Kiri Svara, which was the first object of the Thai attack on 4 February. Damage included destruction of statues of the Buddha and other religious objects. Even more criminal was the systematic shelling of the Temple of Preah Vihear, which received incoming artillery along its entire length, damaging all five gopuras. Many of the shells carried cluster munitions, meaning that the Temple itself and much of the surrounding area will now be contaminated with unexploded bomblets.

There is no way in which either Wat Keo Sikha Kiri Svara or the Temple of Preah Vihear could be considered legitimate military targets. The Thai military’s deliberate damage seems designed to deliver a threat: If we don’t get our way, we can destroy the Temple. That is, the Thai Government threatens to destroy what is the cultural property of all humanity.

The deliberate damage to the Temple also explains the Thai Government’s repeated insistence that no representative of UNESCO, including special envoy Koichiro Matsuura, should visit the Temple to assess the destruction.

The extensive use of cluster bombs in the Thai attacks has been documented by independent observers. While neither Thailand nor Cambodia have signed the Convention preventing such munitions, their use against non-military targets is clearly a violation of the laws of war. The large number of unexploded bomblets are of course especially dangerous to children, who do not understand their danger. A similar contempt for civilian welfare was evident in Thailand’s use of shells containing a still unidentified toxic gas against peaceful villages.

Commentary by
Press and Quick Reaction Unit
of the Office of the Council of Ministers

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