Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Illegal shooting: Two soldiers arrested for firing guns near mosque


via CAAI

Tuesday, 29 March 2011 15:03Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Illegal shooting

Two Royal Cambodian Armed Forces soldiers were arrested last week in connection with illegal shootings in Phnom Penh.

Ya Kim Y, deputy commander of the Phnom Penh military police, said the two soldiers were arrested on March 25 at about midnight in Srah Chak commune in Daun Penh district after firing several rounds into the air in front of a mosque.

He said police confiscated one hand gun at the time of the soldiers’ arrest.

“These soldiers got very drunk after having drinks with their friends at a Karaoke shop in Srah Chak commune,” he said.

“They arrived in front of a Khmer mosque and fired many bullets into the air. They have both been sent to military court for charges in connection with the shooting.”

Ya Kim Y added that according to official codes of conduct, any soldier or officer guilty of shooting a weapon outside the confines of their official duties is subject to at least three months in prison.

Officials at the Military Court could not be reached for comment this week.

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