Sunday, 6 January 2008

Angkor Wat temples set for restrictions

The Angkor Wat temples in Cambodia have access by tourists restricted in order to preserve them, it has been revealed.

Cambodian authorities are tightening restrictions due to high-demand.

Tourists keen on seeing the eminent Khmer Empire archeological sites may only have a limited time to see the world treasures - and could be well-advised to try and catch a glimpse before the change.

However, the potential closures come with a twist, with industry experts predicting that the cost of access could rise once controls are imposed.

Frank Partridge of the Belfast Telegraph said: "The days of free access to Angkor Wat, one of the world's great religious sites, could be coming to an end.

"The Cambodian authorities have roped off the upper level because of the weight of tourists, and further restrictions are expected."

Tourism minister Thong Khon stated earlier this week the Cambodian authorities were seeking to create more destinations for visitors.

Those opting to holiday in Cambodia topped two million in 2007.

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