Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Cambodia: PM Hun Sen nominated for next premiership term

Posted: 2008/01/14
From: Mathaba

Phnom Penh (VNA) – The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has agreed to nominate its vice president, Prime Minister Hun Sen, as its candidate for the premiership post after the upcoming national assembly election.

The unanimity was reached at the CPP’s two-day extraordinary general assembly with the attendance of nearly 900 delegates across the country which ended on January 13.

The meeting discussed and adopted steps of action for canvassing the fourth National Assembly scheduled for July 27, in which the CPP sets for about 80 seats.

Participants also confirmed to continue the CPP’s coalition with the FUNCINPEC party, considering the party as a trust partner.

They passed the party’s political platform on national construction and development in the 2008-2013 period and an 11-point plan to concretise the CPP’s action platform in the coming years.

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