Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Cambodian PM appeals for co-ruling party to work hark for upcoming election

PHNOM PENH, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen here on Tuesday appealed to the co-ruling Funcinpec Party to work hard for the general election in July, so as to enable itself to co-establish government once again with his Cambodian People's Party (CPP).

During the election, if Funcinpec can't find a seat at the National Assembly, it will face difficulties and troubles, he told reporters at the assembly.

Meanwhile, he called on Funcinpec to treat its members nicely and well prepare itself for the upcoming political events.

Recently, a dozen of senior members left Funcinpec and joined CPP, which was widely seen as a signal for the party's overall failure.

The royalist Funcinpec Party has co-governed the kingdom with CPP since 1993.

However, the party started to fall apart in 2006 as its leaders made open their internal conflicts. Prince Norodom Ranariddh was then fired as party president and had to create another party to keep afloat his political life.

During the commune councils election in April 2007, CPP scored landslide victory while Funcinpec ended up with poor records. The outcome has raised concern that the latter one might have scant support to continue its co-government with CPP in the next administrative term.

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