Monday, 21 January 2008

Cambodian police nab 20,000 methamphetamine tablets

(Photo: Koh Santepheap newspaper)

Mon, 21 Jan 2008

Phnom Penh - A police operation in the Cambodian capital nabbed 20,000 methamphetamine tablets, or more than 2 kilos of the drug, local media reported Monday. Khmer-language newspaper Koh Santepheap quoted deputy Phnom Penh police chief Reach Sokhon as saying the accused drug courier, Nai Thai, 33, had confessed to possession and implicated a second man, Put Nailhy, 48, as the owner of the drugs.

The paper quoted Sokhon as saying the bust, one of the largest to date of the highly addictive drug, took two months to carry out.

Cambodia has a massive problem with the cheap and addictive drug, nicknamed ya ba, which enables people to work long hours, and police are now battling local producers as well as imports from neighbouring nations.

1 comment:

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