Thursday, 31 January 2008

Ex-construction executive sentenced to 17.5 years for child porn

Jim Leusner
Sentinel Staff Writer
January 30, 2008

A former Lake Buena Vista construction executive, accused of abusing and photographing more than 50 Asian children and distributing their pictures on the Internet, was sentenced Tuesday to 17 1/2 years in federal prison and placed on lifetime supervision.

The sentencing of William Irey, 50, of Orlando, revealed two contrasting portraits of the man: one an admitted pedophile who traveled to Cambodia in 2006 to exploit young children; the other a civic-minded family man who, according to mental-health experts, could be rehabilitated with a low risk of re-offending.

Defense lawyer Kirk Kirkconnell argued that Irey's conduct stemmed from a "compartmentalized" problem in an otherwise stellar life. For much of the 90-minute hearing, he presented testimony that his client -- who faced a minimum-mandatory 15-year-sentence and maximum of 30 years -- deserved leniency.

Experts and family members testified that Irey has been receiving treatment in a Leesburg hospital during the past year and was an outstanding father with a long record of service with such organizations as the United Way, YMCA and Rotary International.

"I hurt a lot of people," Irey said in an apology to the judge, the government, his family and friends. "I can't undo that."

U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell gave Irey the lighter sentence after ascribing his acts "largely due to an illness," which he said was treatable.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Cynthia Hawkins objected to the sentence. She had pressed for the maximum, calling Irey the smiling "star" of photos taken with the children he assaulted, many ages four through six. Hawkins said he also "wrote filth" on their bodies and "inserted objects" into them. She said he rented children at brothels for up to $1,500.

More than 1,200 photos seized from Irey's computers were some of the "most egregious images" ever seen by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Child-abuse groups who know the photos from the Internet call them "The Pink Wall Series," Hawkins said.

Irey is the former chief executive officer of Frank Irey Construction Inc., a Walt Disney World contractor which worked on Epcot's Mission:Space and facilities at Hong Kong Disneyland through a related Chinese company.

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