Thursday, 31 January 2008

Local Hospital Saves Girl with Rare Tumor


JACKSONVILLE, FL -– Buntheep Chun came to the First Coast with a medical emergency. The twelve-year-old from Cambodia had a lemon sized tumor in her head.

“The tumor occupied the entire bottom half of the skull that is next to the brain,” Dr. Phillipp Aldana.

As soon as her plane landed at Jacksonville International Airport, Chun was rushed to Wolfson Children’s Hospital where surgery began immediately.

“It’s a very rare type of tumor that is really aggressive locally and tends to grow and grow into structures,” said Dr. Aldana, a Wolfson Children’s Hospital Neurologist.

“There is really no good treatment for it but to take it out.”

Removing the tumor was tricky, doctors were forced to get to it through Chun’s forehead.

Doctor’s say they wanted to do it without scaring her face.The procedure took 20 hours to complete.

Chun got her vision back in her left eye but doctors say they are hopeful the same will happen in her right eye.

Doctors expect Chun to be in Jacksonville for another 30 days.

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