Friday, 11 January 2008

New ASEAN Secretary-General Expects to Have an ASEAN Human Rights Organization

Phnom Penh: The new ASEAN Secretary-General, who has just taken up this position, expressed optimism that the ASEAN countries will join to create an ASEAN human rights organization as an important instrument to promote human rights in the region.

“Mr. Surin Pitswuan, the former Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs, who just took up the position of ASEAN Secretary-General in early January 2008, said that he believes ASEAN will have its human rights organization in five years, while the process for its creation has already started.

“He went on to say, ‘ASEAN will have an human rights organization.’ He added, ‘ASEAN government leaders have already announced the creation of this organization in a joint statement, and this is a positive process.’

His speech was quoted by the Antara News Agency of Indonesia after he had said so at a press conference this Monday.

“Ms. Seng Theary, the President of the Center for Social Development, a non-government organization in Cambodia, told Rasmei Kampuchea that she welcomes the creation of such an organization.

The president of the Center for Social Development added that this will be an important contribution to promote human rights in the ten member countries of ASEAN.

“At a conference of ASEAN ministers in 2007 in the Philippines, the ten ASEAN countries, including Myanmar (Burma) which previously had opposed this creation, now it also expressed its support for the creation of an ASEAN human rights organization.

“It should be stated that Samdech Akak Moha Senapadei Dekchor Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia, expressed full support for the initiative when Cambodia was in the chair of an unofficial ASEAN conference on the creation of an ASEAN human rights organization, in 2007 in Siem Reap.

Samdech Akak Moha Senapadei Dekchor Hun Sen hinted that Cambodia is also on the way to create a national organization for human rights.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4484, 9.1.2008

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