Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Police bar actress from Killing Fields museum

22 Jan 2008
Source: ITN

Actress Mia farrow has been stopped from laying flowers at a Killing Fields museum by baton-wielding police.

One hundred Cambodian officers blocked the Hollywood actress and her group from entering the Phnom Penh high school, which was the compound that became Pol Pot's main torture centre.

The visit was part of a campaign to end atrocities in Darfur, and the group have already paid similar visits to Rwanda, Bosnia and Armenia.

The ultimate goal of this campaign is try and influence Chinese policy, as the country if a major investor in Sudan's oil industry.

This has led to accusations that China is breaching international rules and causing violence by selling Sudan weapons that have been diverted to Darfur.

Mia is spearheading this particular campaign as she a spokesperson for the Dream for Darfur pressure group.

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