Saturday, 5 January 2008

TU College of Law women's group raising funds to build school house in Cambodia

Women's Law Caucus members say group's mission, which includes the directive to erase discrimination against women, extends to poverty stricken Cambodia.

[ClickPress, Thu Jan 03 2008] The Women's Law Caucus at The University of Tulsa College of Law will extend its members' commitment to supporting women to help poverty stricken Cambodia.

The WLC is participating in the Cambodian School House Project, which sponsors construction of a school in a village that currently lacks one.

The organization's goal is to raise $19,000 which will be matched by the Asian World Development Bank to build a school house.

The WLC is a student organization dedicated to encourage more women to enter the legal profession, erase continued professional discrimination against women, provide mutual support for fellow students and call attention to the needs and problems of women as attorneys.

"Two years ago the WLC took its community spirit to a worldwide level by adopting a school house in Egypt," said Linda Hem, president of the law school's WLC chapter.

"The success of that project inspired our current group to contribute in another country where women are desperate for educational opportunities."

Poor access to education for women is sited as a major contributing factor to an epidemic of prostitution in Cambodia.

It has been estimated between 10,000 and 20,000 Cambodian women and children are forced to work as prostitutes. In areas where school houses have been built, the problem has been lessened.

The WLC has held several fund-raising events during the fall semester, including a poker tournament and candle sales.

In order to meet the $19,000 goal during this academic year, the group still has more to do. A date auction, a pie in the professor's face event and several other fundraisers are planned.

In addition to the school house project, the WLC is an active supporter of Race for the Cure, provides valuable programs for the law school community and presents the annual Fern Holland Award at its spring banquet.

Individuals who would like to contribute to the Cambodian School House Project may contact Linda Hem at

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