Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Cambodian PM to join swearing-in ceremony of elected S Korean president


PHNOM PENH, Feb. 4 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday that he will lead a senior delegation to join the swearing-in ceremony of newly-elected South Korean President Lee Myung Bak.

"I will lead a senior Cambodian delegation to join the swearing-in ceremony of the newly-elected South Korean president on February 24," he told a school inauguration ceremony in Kampong Speu province.

I will take the chance to ask for more aid from the South Korean side for our country, he was quoted by national television as saying.

"The newly elected president is my former economic advisor," said Hun Sen, adding that he will invite him to visit Phnom Penh soon.

South Korea surpassed China in 2006 to become the largest investing country for Cambodia.

Editor: Du Guodong

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