Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Prime Minister Strongly Criticized the Secretary General of the Sam Rainsy Party

Posted on 13 February 2008.
The Mirror, Vol. 12, No. 547

“Kompong Thom: The defection of high-ranking officials of the Sam Rainsy Party [SRP] led to verbal clashes between Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen and the secretary general of the opposition party.

“On 11 February, during the inauguration ceremony of the Hun Sen Prasat High School in Prasat commune, Santuk district, Kompong Thom, Samdech Akak Moha Senapadei Dekchor Hun Sen, the prime minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, considered the comments of Secretary General Eng Chhay Eang as Pol Pot language, language that had been used during the Pol Pot regime, and that the very bad words used should not have been used.

“This statement is a reaction responding to the accusation by Mr. Eng Chhay Eang, who had stated that the CPP had bought officials from other parties.

“In an article in the Cambodia Daily of 11 February, Mr. Eng Chhay Eang was quoted as saying, ‘Political parties should behave in an ethical way, saying that a political party should not buy people’.

“Samdech said that he has the obligation to protect human dignity. Human freedom can not be bought.

“With this statement, Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen had presented three [former] SRP officials who had just joined the Cambodian People’s Party last week, including Mr. Gnor Sovann, a member of the National Assembly [NA] from Kandal, Mr. Sok Pheng, a member of the NA from Kampong Thom, and Mr. Chhim Sarith, the deputy secretary general of the SRP, who were all present.

“Samdech Hun Sen highlighted that so far, seven SRP members of the NA had defected and joined other parties, three among them had already joined the CPP. Concerning the comment about selling or buying heads, as mentioned in the comment by the SRP official, Samdech Dekchor said, ‘How could Mr. Ngor Sovann and Mr. Sok Pheng, who hold positions as lawmakers, be considered as goods like chickens, ducks, or cattle, for sale?’ Samdech said that the words of ‘selling or buying heads’ is Pol Pot language that had been used during the Pol Pot regime, ‘I do not expect that in the 21st century people will still use such words.’

“Samdech Dekchor appealed to respect human dignity, and he considered the comment by an SRP’s leader as a sign by which they are just hiding their weaknesses. Their weaknesses made it difficult to stay for their former colleagues, and now they turned around to blame those officials who had defected to have their heads sold to someone else, and accused the CPP of buying them.

“Samdech Dekchor warned that they should improve their party internally, otherwise there will be some more persons who defect.

“Samdech Dekchor continued to say that the CPP welcomes all people from all sectors without classifying them as new or as old members. Samdech added that he wanted to eliminate the slogan, ‘When the river rises, the fish eat ants, when the river recedes, the ants eat the fish.’ Samdech said that in the past, when Lon Nol came to power, he took revenge on those who were faithful to Samdech Preah Sihanouk. When Pol Pot held power, they took revenge on the Lon-Nolists and on supporters of Samdech Euv [the Father King] as well. The later ones destroyed the previous ones. Samdech Hun Sen asked whether we should follow that way? As for those who prepare the way for the next generation, revenge should not be practiced within a party.

“Samdech Dekchor said that some politicians are busy with gambling. They play again and again; when they lost, they cheat others. Another politician is busy with women and destroys a party, and now he tries to pressure the King to allow him to return to the country, but Hun Sen can not help him. Others only accuse the government and the CPP.

“At the same time, Samdech Dekchor also stated the CPP’s stance to help the people. He added that if the CPP wins the election for the 4th mandate of the Royal Government, the CPP will still enter into a partnership with Funcinpec. Samdech showed his hope, he does not believe that Funcinpec will not get any seats. However, in case Funcinpec gains nothing, the CPP will form the government alone, and give some lower ranking positions to Funcinpec officials, such as undersecretary-of-state positions.”

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.16, #4513, 12.2.2008

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