Friday, 29 February 2008


Missing sons and daughters

My name is Kvet Nik and I am a 79 year old female. My husband's name was Em Aun (died in 1979). I wasborn in Kampot province, Kampong Trach district, Angromeas commune, Krang Lieve village. I had a total of eight children: two sons and six daughters. Their names are as follows: 1) Ouch Eoun, female, 2) Ouch Lao, male (worked in a 17th April Hospital at the end of 1979), 3) Ouch Ang, male (died at Chamkar Doung, Kep City due to malaria), 4) Ouch Mom, female, 5) Oung Eeoun, female, 6) Ouch Or, female, 7) Ouch On, female, 8) Ouch Ern, female. I am searching for information about my second child, Ouch Lao, who disappeared. He was last
seen in Pursat province in 1979. My present address is Trapaing Chuk village, Mean Rith commune, Dorng Tung district, Kampot province. If anyone knows about Ouch Lao, please contact me through the above address or via the Documentation Center of Cambodia. Their phone number is: (855) 23 211 875. Thank you.
Missing mother and younger brother

My name is Min Kim Arng. I am a 52 year old female. My place of birth was Kampot province, Kampot district, Koun Satt commune, Bos Jhenh village. My mother, Pov Soun and father, Min Mang (died in 1979 in Pursat province). I have five siblings, 3 males and 2 females. Their names are: 1) Min Kim Ang, female, 2) Min Ly, male (disappeared), 3) Min Phan, male (deceased), 4) Min Phal, male (deceased), and 5) Min Eng, female (deceased). I would like to make an announcement that I am seeking information about my mother (she was 55 years old when we were separated) and my second youngest brother, Min Ly. I lost them after we stayed in Pursat province for a month in 1979. My present address is Trapaing Chuk village, Mean Rith commune, Dorng Tung district, Kampot province. If anyone knows where they are or has information about them, please contact me through the above address or through the Documentation Center of Cambodia. Their phone number is (855) 23 211 875. Thanks.
Missing brother

I am Ouy Seap, a female aged 51 years old. My place of birth was Kampot province, Chuk district, Angromeas commune, Krang Lieve village. I currently live in Anntung Bekok village, Angromeas commune, Dornd Tung district, Kampot province. My father was Ouy Butt (died in 1978). He was killed during the Pol Pot regime. He used to work in a hospital in Angromeas commune. My mother was Leing Sien; she died in 1974 because of an unknown illness. I am searching for my younger brother, Ouy Cheoung, whom I lost when he was 13 years old. During the Pol Pot regime he was assigned to study technology in Kampot Town and was then ordered to drive a salt truck. He disappeared shortly after his assignment. If anyone knows what happened to Ouy Cheoung, please contact me through the above address or through the Documentation Center of Cambodia. Their phone number is (855) 23 211 875. Thank you.

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