Friday, 15 February 2008

Staff nurse Digby's long haul in aid of hospice
Feb 14 2008

A NURSE is planning a marathon charity bike ride across South East Asia.

Digby Meacher, a staff nurse at Manor Hospital in Nuneaton, will travel through Thailand to Cambodia to raise money for Myton Hospice.

Starting in the Thai capital Bangkok, the 33-year-old, from Almond Avenue in Leamington, will cycle 350 miles over eight days to reach the famous temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

Digby, along with the 40 other riders on the organised trip, will need to raise nearly £3,000 for the hospice, to go on the trip in April.

He said of his early training: "I've done a little bit here and there, and I'm riding to and from work, which is 18 miles there and back, so that will be 36 miles a day."

Digby has been raising funds for the trip by holding a guess the birthday of a teddy bear competition in surgeries and is also planning to sell advertising space on the fluorescent tabards the riders will wear.

He added: "I thought this would be a good thing to do. You can see the benefits Myton Hospice brings." o Anyone wanting to sponsor Digby can contact him on either 07966 146664 or via e-mail at

Donations can also be made online at thechallengedigbymeacher

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