Saturday, 2 February 2008

Tribunal: More Former Rebels on Docket

By Sok Khemara,
VOA Khmer
Original report from Washington
01 February 2008

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Khmer Rouge tribunal prosecutors said Friday they hope to arrest more leaders of the regime, but experts say the next round of arrests has been hampered because former leaders hold government positions.

Two separate sources told VOA Khmer the next arrests could include another five people.

The next round would likely include top regional military commanders, some of whom now hold posts as local governors or government aides, officials said.

“We are continuing our preliminary investigation. I am confident that more people will be identified,” tribunal prosecutor Robert Petit said.

Petit stressed that the investigation is a complex matter, factually and legally, but declined to make comment further.

Some senior former Khmer Rouge leaders have been folded into the government, in positions as governor, military commander, district chiefs, and others, making investigation difficult, experts said Friday.

Hisham Mousar, a tribunal expert for the rights group Adhoc, said there are many issues stopping prosecutors from sending a list of names to the investigating judges.

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