Wednesday, 5 March 2008

American indicted in Cambodia over Vietnamese girl’s death

March 5, 2008

Cambodian police yesterday charged a residential US national with murdering his Vietnamese girlfriend who was strangled with a wire coat hanger, according to police sources Tuesday.

Grant Kim Helling was arrested on February 22 as he tried to flee his apartment in Phnom Penh, said Mom Sitha, chief of the police unit dealing with crimes involving foreigners.

The American had set the apartment alight in an attempt to destroy the woman’s body, the official said.

Helling, 46, leapt from his first-floor balcony, badly injuring his legs in the fall. Upon searching his home, police discovered the deceased corpse.

The man, indicted with murder by Phnom Penh’s Municipal Court in the aftermath of his arrest, faces life imprisonment if convicted.

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