Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Border demarcation between Cambodia, Vietnam to be completed by 2012


PHNOM PENH, March 4 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia and Vietnam have affirmed their determination to speed up the demarcation of the land border between the two nations, local media reported Tuesday.

The work will be completed by 2012, the Mekong Times newspaper said, citing Var Kim Hong, Cambodian Senior Minister in charge of border affairs and Chairman of the Cambodian-Vietnam Joint Border Commission.

The contentious Cambodia-Vietnam border demarcation began in 2005 and was supposed to be finished in 2007, the newspaper said.

"We planned to finish the border demarcation between Cambodia and Vietnam at the end of last year, but due to technical issues, such as unclear maps made during French colonial times and flooding, so far the project is about 30 percent completed," Var Kim Hong said, adding that about 30 of the total 340 markers have been installed.

Both sides agreed to identify all remaining positions on the map and install the most important border markers by the end of the year, Var Kim Hong said.

Editor: Jiang Yuxia

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