Sunday, 16 March 2008


By AhmekKhmer

From 1976 on, the murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon openly ordered to "Young Mysterious Murderous Group of Disguised Khmer Rouge" had started to clean up all Kampuchea Krom people who spoke broken both Khmer and Vietnamese were unfairly accused of being all Yuon spies/ secret agents. Why did the murderous Angkar Leur/Cap Tren order the "Young Mysterious Murderous Group of Disguised Khmer Rouge" to murder Kampuchea Krom people who were unfairly accused of being Yuon spies/secret agents? Why didn't the murderous Angkar Leur/Cap Tren order "The Young Mysterious Group of Disguised Khmer Rouge" to kill all Vietnamese nationals living in Cambodia when they first took full control of Phnom Penh in 1975? Vietnamese leaders know too well that Kampuchea Krom people would not go back home to Kampuchea Krom where they were born, because once they went there again, they would have no land and no house to live in. They would rather be mercilessly killed by "The Young Mysterious Murderous Group of Disguised Khmer Rouge", who were accused of being Yuon spies/secret agents. The murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon who were secretly hiding in the jungles everywhere in Cambodia to give Genocidal Orders to super-illiterate-ignorant Khmer Rouge yotheas and former cruel bandits to kill all Khmer Krom and all Khmer people who were unfairly accused of being all Yuon secret agents.

Hanoi leaders thought that they are so cunning to have hidden their dirty-secret-pogrom plans against the Cambodian Victims. Hanoi leaders really wanted to eliminate both Kampuchea Kandal and Kampuchea Krom people so that it would make them easy to take control of Cambodia for their hungry Vietnamese who need more land, endlessly! Yuon Hanoi leaders who also know too well the difference between Khmer Krom and Yuon citizens. Why...? Since 18th century the murderous Ming Mang Emperor who brutally forced all Khmer Krom to use all Yuon names in order to assimilate all Khmer Krom into one Yuon nation as it has been happening from the past few centuries up until now is still in Khmer Krom. No word of English to comment on These Endless Past and Present Unforgettable Painful Suffering Tragedies of Khmer Krom people. We all Khmer Victims of the murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon have only tears dropping from our eyes to signal to the people in the outside world that all killing fields are secretly created in both Khmer Krom and Khmer Kandal are all but Yuon-Dracula Leaders who are the worst violators of human rights on earth.

There was also a new directive, in the middle of 1977, kill off a new category of enemy-people of Vietnamese ancestry. By this time, Sycophant had learned to hide her Kampuchea Krom family history. "They started killing people with any Vietnamese blood, even Kampuchea Krom. At first we did not know why." The people in the outside world already know that Khmer Rouge really hate Yuons. In fact, the Khmer Rouge didn't hate Yuons, but Yuon Angkar Leur/Cap Tren hate Khmers who were unfairly accused of being all Yuon secret agents. By accusing all Khmers of being all Yuon secret agents, Yuon Angkar Leur/Cap Tren sped up their killing Khmers faster than ever so madly.

Between late 1976 and 1978, there was no a single Khmer Preah Trapeang left in Pursat and Battambang who were brutally and unfairly being accused of Vietnamese secret agents by the murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur, in Viet "Cap Tren". Yuon were just an ordinary people like Cambodian. Why didn't the "Mysterious Anonymous higher Organization" order to kill all Vietnamese citizens living in Cambodia when the Khmer Rouge first took over Phnom Penh in 1975? Why now they started killing innocent Khmer Krom people and many other Cambodian people who were accused of being Vietnamese secret agents just like that? Why did they do that to us-Khmer innocence? Hanoi Leaders' well planned was to eliminate all Kampuchea Krom people who were living in their motherland-Cambodia, escaped from their Kampuchea Krom, were the most important eyewitness to the Kampuchea Krom land, which Vietnamese have stolen from Cambodia for more than 50 years. If Kampuchea Krom people are all still alive, who are hard to be ruled will claim back their lost land from Vietnamese through UN's and International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon really indoctrinated, brainwashed and instigated us Khmer children to hate Yuon so why Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon sent its Khmer Rouge soldiers to capture only Kampuchea Krom people being brought back to be brutally slaughtered in Cambodia like that? Why didn't Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon of the super-illiterate-ignorant Khmer Rouge yotheas and former cruel bandits kill these Kampuchea Krom people straightaway? There are two tricky reasons for Yuon secret agents who were behind Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon in Cambodia:

1. Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon used its Khmer Rouge's hands to make Kampuchea Krom people to hate their fellow Khmer Kandal in order to pave the way for Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon in Hanoi was to send its troops to take control Cambodia easily in the future by receiving some strong support from Kampuchea Krom people who wanted to take revenge against the Khmer Rouge. Because Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon also tried to deliberately mislead all Kampuchea Krom people that Khmer Rouge soldiers were so brutal massacring their own Kampuchea Krom people too.

2. Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon already arranged all Yuon citizens who at the time were living in Kampuchea Krom/South Vietnam being evacuated from Cambodia-Yuon border by leaving only Kampuchea Krom people to be caught in cross-fire between Yuon/Vietcong who had secretly impersonated themselves as the leaders of super-illiterate-ignorant Khmer Rouge yotheas and former cruel bandits and Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon in Hanoi was to terribly misled all the people in the outside world and UN that Khmer Rouge killed too many Yuon citizens only. In fact, not a single foreign writer/author/scholar who claims themselves very expert on Cambodian History could write about dirty demonic plans of Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon massacring only Kampuchea Krom innocent people at all. As my readers can see the dirty demonic tricky plans of Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon who only let the Kampuchea Krom people being brought back to be brutally murdered in the name of Khmer Rouge was well-known to the outside world, but there was no a single Yuon people who were brought back to be slaughtered in Cambodia. This is a really weird story, which didn't take place by chance at all. It was really well-planned not being made by God but it was secretly man-made-disaster by Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon in Hanoi. The people in the outside world/UN and Cambodians who were really in a dark place to condemn only Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge soldiers who were naively accused of killing all Yuon citizens in Cambodia. In fact, Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon tried not only to kill Kampuchea Krom in Cambodia but went far beyond into Kampuchea Krom/South Vietnam to capture so many uncountable Kampuchea Krom victims who were brought back...:

On 30 April 1977, for example, the Khmer attacked and occupied the Vietnamese town of Chau Doc. Thousands of civilians were slaughtered while a large number of Khmer Krom - Vietnamese of Cambodian origin - were deported back into Cambodia. By 14 April 1978 they opened a new front in the Ba Thuc area, deploying two divisions. Both units were withdrawn back into Cambodia within a week, but only after deporting 20,000 Khmer Krom civilians and slaughtering 2,500 others.

The following bullshit-artist writer Ben Kiernan who dived into the dark bottom of South China Sea is to have found only too far many types of rubbish when he came up from the sea. And then he illogically announced in his book to the world that he uses his fingers counting on the total death tolls in DK. Did he really see the killing fields that were brutally and secretly committed by Krom Khiet Kar Aat Kambang/ Mysterious Group of Murderers/KKKAK with his own eyes? Did he live with us Khmer victims from 1975-1979? He didn't live with us Khmer victims, I am for sure. So, how dare he jump into his thoughtless and illogic conclusion like that? Thousands of thousands of Khmer Krom people who had escaped from the brutal genocide of both Vietminh and Vietcong to live only around Pursat province when they first transferred from Koh Keo village of Lvea Em province to live in Phum 13 in late 1975. But evil-bullshit-artist writer Ben Kiernan wrote only 2,000 Khmer Krom people being killed during the Vietnamese Hidden faces behind Killing Fields in his bull-shit research on Cambodian History.

All citizens had to be proper Khmer, as defined by the revolution. Part of the Khmer Rouge mission was to revive the glory and honour of Cambodia and to ensure the potentiality of the Khmer race, as Pol Pot himself said.

Historically, Cambodia's people and rulers have been quite accepting of the country's Chinese minority community. However, under French colonial administration and since independence, the Chinese have experienced significant discrimination. This report examines evidence of human rights violations against the Chinese under Democratic Kampuchea (DK). Because they lived in urban areas and were often business people, the Chinese were viewed as examples of Western oppression and branded as internal enemies. Nearly 225,000 of Cambodia's Chinese population of 400,000 died under DK rule. However, there seems to be no one reason that fully accounts for their persecution and killing. Ethnicity, social and geographic conditions all seem to have affected their circumstances. These differences are evident in interviewees accounts some felt targeted as Chinese, while others did not. Significantly, most believe there was no central policy against them, but that their treatment was contingent on a range of factors including individual racial hatred and personal revenge, which differed according to region and time. The paper argues that these disparities are indicative of the Khmer Rouge government, which was continually attempting to control all aspects of people's lives, but had little control of itself as an organization.

Due to the fact that, the Khmer Krom has the same background as our brothers and sisters in Cambodia, I am pretty sure that, there was quite a large number of Khmer Krom also perished in the horrific killing fields. Those victims could belong to one the following 3 categories:

1. Khmer Kampuchea Krom who lived in Cambodia before Khmer Rouge took over in April 1975, and had been killed.

2. The Khmer Krom who escaped the Yuon's execution in Kampuchea Krom between 1975-1979 to Cambodia, and had been killed.

3. Khmer Kampuchea Krom had been killed in Toul Sleng prison [Some of such cases appeared to be the victim of the cooperation between the Vietnamese communist and the Khmer Rouge in early days 1975-1976. The Khmer Krom victims were turned to Khmer Rouge by the Yuon] and had been killed.

The Khmer Kampuchea Krom are ethnic Khmer living in the former southern territories of the Angkor Empire, which are now part of Vietnam. While this group has striven to retain its ethnic and national identity, it does not appear to have succeeded, and has arguably been disowned and victimized by both the successive Cambodian and Vietnamese governments. Although many books have been written about Kampuchea Krom and her people, this study will be unique in that it will relate the Khmer Kampuchea Krom to the Khmer Rouge regime.

Prior to 1975, there were approximately 4,000 Khmer Krom families residing in Rumlech sub-district. By 1979, only about 40 people remained. Those who did survive generally escaped to other villages. The rest had been taken away and killed by the Khmer Rouge militia during 1975-1979.

About 200,000 Vietnamese citizens were noiselessly shipped back to Srok Yuon in 1975. But there are so many foreign experts on Cambodian History by claiming they know nearly every angle of Cambodian jungles who have been trying to find a needle that the murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur/Cap Tren Yuon throw into the bottom of South China Sea. Yet, no one has found that needle in the bottom of South China Sea so far so worse. In fact, those foreign writers only scratch their itchy skins in their offices by claiming they are so expert on Khmer History. In fact, all their articles are full of craps. Why...? Because they sit in their offices to collect information from Yuon leaders. For example, David Chandler, Ben Kiernan, John Pilger and many more because they all think that nearly all Khmers can't read English more than 20 years ago so they also bullshit to the world like Yuon leaders. I know they have got their Master Degree of Uni, but in fact, they only sit in their office to scratch their balls to make them feel so good. Many other foreign writers who still claim that they are so expert on Cambodian history are terribly misled.

Cambodia severed diplomatic relations with Vietnam and ordered Vietnamese diplomats in Phnom Penh to leave before Jan. 7, 1978. Hanoi earlier had withdrawn its ambassador from Phnom Penh, an action described by the DK Foreign Ministry as "unfriendly."

As then-DK Foreign Ministry, Ieng Sary, who clearly told us Khmer children "Vietnamese are unfriendly."

Killing field had been started so madly everywhere in Cambodia, why did Yuon Communist-dictatorial leaders send (as above-mentioned) Cambodian victims back to be brutally killed by the murderous Angkar Leur just like that? Because Yuon Hanoi crocodile leaders knew that the murderous-powerful shadowy Angkar Leur/Cap Tren was very bloodthirsty for Cambodian victims' blood.

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