Thursday, 6 March 2008

Cambodia working to prevent H5N1

Although no new infected cases have been reported, Cambodia is taking measures to prevent avian influenza from reoccurring, a Cambodian health official said.

Cambodia Health Ministry’s Breeding and Veterinary Department Director Kao Phal told a training course for provincial veterinary workers on March 4 that much is being done to prevent bird flu outbreaks.

The department has sent 14,000 workers to villages nationwide to conduct regular examinations on domestic poultry for early disease detection, the Director said.

In addition, the department has accelerated injections for domestic poultry and is closely monitoring poultry trade in border areas.

Since the first avian influenza outbreak reported in Cambodia in 2004, the disease has killed four people from Kampot, Kompong Cham, Prey Veng and Kompong Speu provinces.

VNA got its numbers wrong in that last paragraph. According to WHO, 7 Cambodians have contracted H5N1 since 2005, and all 7 have died.

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