Thursday, 20 March 2008

Cambodian boss docks worker's thumbs, toes for tardiness

Picture by Chan Theth , Koh Santepheap newspaper

The Earth Times
Thu, 20 Mar 2008
Author : DPA

Phnom Penh - Authorities were seeking Cambodian garage owner accused of lopping off the thumbs and big toes of an employee for returning to work late, police said Thursday. The police chief of Dombai district in eastern Kampong Cham province, Chout Dearn, said the man, identified only as Mr Ly, 40, lost his temper on Tuesday when mechanic Kim Ne, 22, returned late from a friend's wedding with a motorbike he had borrowed from the garage.

"The worker claims Ly enlisted two of Ne's workmates to help tie him up, then hit him in the throat and chest with an axe handle before cutting his thumbs and big toes off one by one," Dearn said by telephone. "Now he cannot ride a motorbike any more."

Dearn said Ne had tried to call Ly to tell him he would be late but could not get through as there was no mobile phone reception.

He said the accused remains at large but faces up to 20 years in prison if caught and convicted for the crime.

Ne remains in hospital in a stable condition. Police estimated the returned motorbike's worth at around 600 dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Too cruel!! The perpetrator must be punished. I cannot believe there's still such inhumanity on Earth.
