Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Cambodian Tribunal Seeks More Funding

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) — Officials from Cambodia's U.N.-backed genocide tribunal traveled Monday to the United Nations in New York to request almost $114 million in additional funds for trying the Khmer Rouge's surviving leaders.

The tribunal told donor countries in January that an original budget of $56.3 million sharply underestimated costs and that it would need $170 million.

The long-delayed trials are expected to start this year, but many fear the Khmer Rouge's aging leaders could die before facing justice.

The Khmer Rouge is accused of responsibility for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians during its 1975-1979 rule. So far, none of the regime's senior leaders has gone on trial.

The tribunal opened its offices in early 2006 after years of wrangling between the Cambodian government and the U.N. Trials were originally projected to end by 2009, but are now expected to run through March 2011.

The funds currently allotted for the tribunal are projected to run out by the end of this year.

Five former senior Khmer Rouge leaders are under detention awaiting trial. They have been charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The major donors to the tribunal are Japan, France, Germany, Britain and Australia.

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