Monday, 3 March 2008

EU commits to observing Cambodian national election

PHNOM PENH, March 3 (Xinhua) -- The European Commission (EC) has announced that it would send 150-200 election experts to observe this year's national election of Cambodia, local newspaper the Mekong Times reported Monday.

The EC wishes to support an improvement in the quality of this nation's democracy and is sending an EU observance mission to aid the electoral process, Eneko Landaburu, Director General for External Relations of EC, said at a press conference in Phnom Penh, according to the newspaper.

A team of electoral experts will visit Cambodia this week to determine the level of observance at the elections, Landaburu said.

"They will produce a global report, and on the basis of the report we will take decision on the size of the mission," he was quoted as saying.

The level of EC funding for the election will also depend on the outcome of the report, he said, adding that the role of the observers will be strictly defined.

Editor: Jiang Yuxia

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