Thursday, 20 March 2008

Khmer Rouge leader Noun Chea to stay in jail

The most senior surviving leader of the Khmer Rouge, "Brother Number Two" Nuon Chea, sits before Cambodia's genocide tribunal to hear its ruling on an appeal against his pre-trial detention, on the outskirts of Phnom Penh March 20, 2008. Noun Chea is charged against war crimes and crimes against humanity.REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea (CAMBODIA)

Radio Netherlands Worldwide
Thursday 20 March 2008

UTC Phnom Penh - The second-in-command of Cambodia's former Khmer Rouge regime will not be released on bail. The special Khmer Rouge tribunal in Phnom Penh rejected a request from Nuon Chea, who argued there was no risk of his trying to flee from justice, and that he would not try to influence witnesses.

Nuon Chea, nicknamed brother number two, is accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

He is seen as the architect of the Khmer Rouge reign of terror in the late 1970s in which an estimated two million people were killed.

1 comment:

  1. We all khmers should sit down rethinks of what went wrongs from 1953 to 1979, this is the biggest mass murder in the history of man kind killing million innocent Cambodians. It's called ethnic cleansing and its never happen anywhere that killed its own people.In 1975 was the victory of Vietcong of 2 million Cambodians killed controlled by Hanoi Vietcong was the mastermind to whipped out Cambodians population in order to created Indo-China under Vietcong controlled. It wasn't the victory of Khmer Rouge. I was a young boy any family that took to executed is Khmers Krom Families or educated people during Rouge regime, i saw Khmers Rouge killed Khmers Rouge, where i lived Khmer rouge selected only Khmer Kroms poeple to be killed, they told us the leader from came from Hanoi. Let's us recall in 1953 Khmers Vietminh was created by Vietcong, after 1975 Khmers was sent to reign Cambodia Vietminh.
    It's easy to find the real killer just think about Vietcong that's the one. Hitler doesn't killed its own people, Saddam Hussain doesn't its own people. Vietcong committed MASS GENOCIDE OF CAMBODIANS. YES, YES, YES, YES, 1000000% RIGHT
