Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Sacked police chief awaiting PM

MCOT English News
Thai News Agency

BANGKOK, March 3 (TNA) - Thailand's ex-police chief Pol.Gen. Sereepisut Taemeeyaves reported to deputy prime minister Somchai Wongsawat at Government House, saying he had not as yet planned to sue anyone in court following his transfer to an inactive post. Pol. Gen.

Sereepisut said he had received no assignment fom the deputy prime minister Monday and was waiting to meet with Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej, currently on an official tour in Cambodia, in order to clear himself of all charges.

The prime minister had set up a committee to investigate the transferred police chief on disciplinary charges which involved his alleged use of inappropriate language when speaking to his subordinates. Gen. Sereepisut, who was alleged to have been involved in a van rental scandal at National Police headquarters, admitted having called one of his officers a ''buffalo'' and said Mr. Samak had as well expressed swear words while dealing with reporters.

The police general said he had resigned as member of a committee assigned to investigate Mr. Samak during his tenure as governor of Bangkok several years ago. He declined to comment whether or not he felt he was being unjustly persecuted or transferred to the inactive post at Government House.

The former national police chief said he was not overly worried and that he had a lot of supporters.

Gen. Sereepisut was replaced by deputy police chief Pol. Gen. Patcharawas Wongsuwan. (TNA)

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