Thursday, 6 March 2008

Slithering couple say 'I do'
March 05 2008

Phnom Penh - A pair of pythons have been married in Cambodia after the happy couple went on a hunger strike until they were delivered from living in sin, police and local media said on Wednesday.

Python pair Increasing Fortune Friday, so named because he slithered into Secretary of State for the Defence Ministry Neang Phat's villa on a Friday in January, and his mate, Lucky Saturday, who joined him a day later, have been joined in holy matrimony, Kien Svay police chief Pha Samet said by telephone.

"I have no details because I was too busy to join the reception, but I can confirm they got married yesterday," said the police chief. A guest estimated the happy couple to each be about 2-metres long.

The secretary was perplexed about why the snakes refused to eat since they arrived at his home, but then spirits appeared to him in a dream and advised that the serpentine lovers wished to comply with Cambodia's controversial 2006 monogamy law, according to Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper.

The law outlaws adultery and extra-marital relationships.

"The process of the wedding ran exactly as the wedding of a human couple," the paper quoted Phat as saying - except, perhaps, for the reception buffet of live chickens.

After the ceremony, which took place about 12km outside the capital, the pythons almost immediately consented to eat, the paper reported.

Phat said he did not know why the snakes had decided to make his home their home, but it was not the first time he had been invaded by animals and he took all visitations as signs of luck and prosperity.

"Previously the house was invaded by bees. Animals become gentle when they enter my home," the paper quoted him as saying.

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