Monday, 17 March 2008

Swedish mother searches for 'abducted' daughter

Bangkok Post

A Swedish woman Monday offered a $10,000 reward (about 310,000 baht) for anyone in Thailand or Cambodia who can tip off police to the whereabouts of her 6-year-old daughter, allegedly abducted by her own father last year.

Maria Elfversson, 35, from Gothenburg, Sweden, announced the reward for the return of her daughter, Alicia, at a press conference in Bangkok in the hopes that her story would be publicised in the local press.

"Neither the police nor authorities have been able to find out which country he has taken her to. I therefore want to make this plea for help," said Elfversson.

She claimed that her former husband, Norwegian national Torgeir Nordbo, 47, abducted their daughter on June 4, 2007 and took her to either Thailand or Cambodia, where he owns property.

She said Alicia was last seen last month, in Sihanoukville, Cambodia.

Although Nordbo has been charged with abduction in Sweden, and is wanted by Interpol, it is not a crime for a father to abduct his own children in Cambodia.

"The hope is that we can get Alicia back through the Hague Convention and the international police will be able to find her," Elfversson told a press conference. (dpa)

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