Monday, 17 March 2008

Teachers Leader Rong Chhun, Union Chief Chea Muni Said Leaving SRP,

Rong Chhun
Chea moni

Samleng Yuveakchon Khmer
[Report by Vichheka]

It is considered another bad news for the no longer opposition Sam Rainsy Party [SRP] when yesterday the major forces that used to support it decided to break away and defect to the Cambodian People's Party [CPP]. Sources added that CPP officials have already welcomed these defectors but have not yet organized a formal welcome ceremony for them. It is not known how true this news is. Nevertheless, it is believed that Rong Chhun, president of the Independent Cambodian Teachers Association, the one who used to sympathize with the SRP, has lately been quite distressed by the return of Secretary-General Eng Chhai-eang who both Rong Chhun and Chea Muni would love to see go away.

The CPP officials have claimed that everything has been settled now. There are only some finishing touches left to be made. And it is expected that there is no obstacle for the defectors to leave. On the contrary, the same CPP officials have claimed that while they have not been able to contact and convince Mrs. Mu Sochua to join the CPP, the defections of Rong Chhun and Chea Muni are quite important to them. This means that the CPP holds Rong Chhun and Chea Muni in esteem while it is known that the SRP has not shown any appreciation for either Rong Chhun or Chea Muni. Not just that, the no longer opposition party even rejects the efforts of the trade unionists and teachers.

Rong Chhun and Chea Muni are said to be remnants of people who still have some sympathy left for the no longer opposition SRP through the plea made by Mrs. Mu Sochua. This means that without Mrs. Mu Sochua these men would have walked out of the SRP long ago. Like Cambodian circles abroad that used to support the SRP, both Chea Muni and Rong Chhun do not have the slightest good feeling for Secretary-General Eng Chhai-eang. Moreover, whenever someone mentions the name of Eng Chhai-eang in their presence, Chea Muni and Rong Chhun feel quite uneasy. Nevertheless, Chea Muni and Rong Chhun have been asked to calm down in addition to the imploration of Mrs. Mu Sochua, deputy secretary-general of the SRP. Without his empathy with Mrs. Mu Sochua, Rong Chhun would have withdrawn his support for the SRP a long time ago.

According to CPP officials, while the negotiation with the two SRP sympathizers was going on, other parties also tried to persuade Rong Chhun to join them by promising to buy him off. However, no one really knows whether Rong Chhun has consented to the invitation of any of the other parties or not. Yet, according to reliable sources, it appears that the CPP has already firmly collared Rong Chhun. Tens of thousands of workers, as well as many teachers, are the reason why Chea Muni and Rong Chhun are so valuable. While the SRP has undermined the allegiance of these major forces with the presence of Eng Chhai-eang, it is believed that the CPP might have lucked out in its effort to win over Chea Muni and Rong Chhun.

Sources reported that Deputy Prime Minister Sok An of the Cabinet of the Council of Ministers was the one who foots the bill of the pre-election operations to attract the major forces to join the CPP. Among the moves to win over these major forces is also the effort to convert SRP Deputy Secretary-General Mrs. Mu Sochua, as well as Trade Union President Chea Muni, who controls an army of workers, and Independent Teachers Association President Rong Chhun, who also has a massive following in no way smaller than that of Chea Muni.

This is considered to be another blow that will break up the SRP. Nevertheless, Sam Rainsy, as well as Secretary-General Eng Chhai-eang, seems unimpressed by the defections of a number of party officials. In other words, those who left the SRP have been branded as persons without any value for the SRP. As a matter of fact, at this juncture, the report about Rong Chhun's departure should constitute worrisome news but the SRP officials said that there is nothing interesting and that it is the freedom of each person to choose to leave the party.

It is not known whether this is a fabricated rumor spread by the CPP or not, but it has been noted that both Rong Chhun and Chea Muni were quite disturbed by the presence of Eng Chhai-eang, who has returned to the post of secretary-general of the SRP. When both men are not happy with the no longer opposition party, it is possible that they might walk out and join another party in response to their feeling.

According to some reports, both Rong Chhun and Chea Muni have lately severed all relations with the SRP. They moreover have urged some officials to quit. Some sources say that the presence of Rong Chhun and Chea Muni could worry Eng Chhai-eang, too, because of something Rong Chhun is prepared to expose. However, if Rong Chhun maintains some sense of dignity and morality a number of secrets might remain secret. The sources said that President Sam Rainsy at this time appears to be very irritated and confused. He is not saying a word. According to some sources, the party president has let Eng Chhai-eang run everything.

As for the CPP, although it is not possible to guess about the future of the defectors, it is obvious that this party is paying keen attention to the new converts and it is expected that Rong Chhun and Chea Muni will not share the same bad luck as a number of past defectors.

[Description of Source: Phnom Penh Samleng Yuveakchon Khmer in Cambodian -- Daily newspaper carrying mostly articles supporting Prince Norodom Ranariddh, leader of his own party, who was ousted as leader of the royalist FUNCINPEC Party founded by his father Norodom Sihanouk]

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