Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Thousand Year Hatred Begins on March 23, 1970

By Kok Sap-
March 23, 2008
Decades before millions of Khmer in High Plateau north of Dangrek Range were abandoned and some were later rescued from Siam permanent control by French. The rest remain deprived and abused by Siam rule to date.

Under Sihanouk six decade tight grip rule, Cambodia had eventually fallen traumatized entirely. As King, he never had a vision to revive Khmer identity for those had lived under Siam and Yuon. To date millions of Khmer in Mekong Delta became aliens in own land. After March 18, 1970 event, Sihanouk had never redeemed himself.

It has been 38 years since March 23, 1970. This day marked the inerasable memory that Sihanouk declared personal hatred and war on millions of Khmer who defended and fought Viet Cong transgression. He said, “Five year fight as the head of the National United Front of Kampuchea from March 23, 1970 to April 17, 1975.” Despicably on March 29, 2007 Sihanouk lamented,” why do they hate and hurt me so much?” To date this man saw nothing wrong in his efforts in destroying a nation and was still unable to figure it out yet.

These are the latest of best historical examples to understand how the last inferior royalty branch failed in a nation stewardship and survival vision. Yet Sihanouk viciously blames others for his inherent self destructive and inept nature,” My fight for the total Liberation of Cambodia which became a US satellite and which was martyred, partially annexed by the Republic of South-Vietnam of the Generals Nguyen Van Thieu and Nguyen Cao Ky from Saigon. Ironically under China urges, Sihanouk made Hanoi his final revenge command post.

There were more of his justifications in his incompetence and lack of courage, “One cannot count on oneself, but one must be an international beggar, and the notion that neighboring countries “take over” one portion of the lands and seas of Cambodia must be accepted. My fight for the total Liberation of Cambodia which became a US satellite and which was martyred, partially annexed by the Republic of South-Vietnam of the Generals Nguyen Van Thieu and Nguyen Cao Ky from Saigon. Five year fight as the head of the National United Front of Kampuchea from March 23, 1970 to April 17, 1975.”

Sihanouk also conveniently forgot that South Viet Nam would not happen if he was responsible to protest France in annexing it to Bao Dai control in 1949. So South Viet Nam became home to Viet Cong fighters. Because of Sihanouk repeated failures to fend off Viet Cong, the reluctant General Lon Nol had to make a stand and not to be pushed around by Sihanouk evil allies. Although instead of being grateful, Sihanouk went on to blame later generation, “Even in 2007, there are, in Cambodia, Lonnolians who hate N. Sihanouk and the Sihanoukommunism more and more.” All were posted on his own website.

How egregious of him to lie to millions of citizen why March 18, 1970 event had happened. In reality there was no such thing as Lonnolians. Foreign nations can affirm that it was his own violation of Cambodia neutrality act.

In fact the surviving patriots are well aware of Sihanouk secretive deals with enemies, Viets and Viet Cong. Under false pretense, Sihanouk arranged a trip to Paris. Yet General Lon Nol had followed and appealed to the hypocrite Head of State to return to Cambodia. But Sihanouk refused to even listen to his mother appeal. So in disappointment, the General did return and had to do what best to save Cambodia dignity from its former King humiliation.

Under his first Angkar rule from 1975-1987, 3 out of 7 people were wiped out in less than four years. Later after Hanoi completely annexed South Viet Nam in 1970 and pushed for more land and sea from Cambodia in 1979.To do so it fabricated K-5 Plan to send more Khmers to be killed by Sihanouk new GCKD armed forces.

Look at what he had to say on March 30,2007,” Fight at the head of the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea, government legally recognized by the UN against the military occupation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam of my Homeland for 10-year (1979-1989). I personally started this fight at the head of the GCKD only in 1982 and I stopped fighting against the SRV starting in 1987 because, along with Comrade Hun Sen and the Communist People Party, starting from 1987 we could return Cambodia to Independence through peaceful and reconciliation mean between Khmer people in friendship, mutual respect with the Socialist Republic VietNam, which stopped its military and colonialist occupation of Cambodia in 1989, boasted Sihanouk.

”Without a witness,” During a lunch in Beijing on March 4, 2007, my concubine said to me: “Your 3 highly patriotic achievements, no one will be able to “remove” them from history. To answer Sihanouk rhetorical question, March 23, 1970 was the beginning of his thousand year of hatred. Therefore Cambodia people shall beware it takes a dog to know a bitch. Thus in Sihanouk case, “he who hates, must know own hatred.”

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