Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Cambodia declares it did not seek security assistance


Phnom Penh — The Cambodian Defence Ministry has strongly rejected information that distorts Cambodian Defence Minister Tea Banh’s recent visit to Viet Nam.

The Cambodian Action Committee for Justice and Equity (CACJE) and opposition newspapers recently reported that during his four-day visit to Viet Nam from March 24, Minister Tea Banh had asked the Vietnamese Defence Ministry to help maintain security and public order during Cambodia’s legislative election, slated for July 2008.

The reports made by the CACJE and opposition newspapers were completely untrue and groundless, the Cambodian ministry said in a press release, adding that they also sabotaged the honour of the minister in particular and of the Cambodian people in general.

Minister Tea Banh had only asked the Vietnamese Defence Ministry to share its experiences in maintaining security and public order, including for the upcoming legislative elections, the Cambodian Defence Ministry stressed.


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