Saturday, 19 April 2008

Cambodia presents documents on ASEAN Charter's ratification to secretariat

MCOT English News
18 April 2008

Jakarta, April 18 (ANTARA) - Cambodian Ambassador to Indonesia Khem Bunneang on behalf of his government handed documents on his country's ratification of the ASEAN Charter to ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan at the ASEAN Secretariat here on Friday.

Cambodia is the sixth country that has ratified the ASEAN Charter after Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Laos, Malaysia and Vietnam, Pitsuwan said before receiving the documents from the Cambodian envoy at a ceremony attended also by the ambassadors of other ASEAN member countries to Indonesia.

Pitsuwan praised Cambodia as one of ASEAN's youngest members for being very active and having a strong commitment to accelerating ASEAN's regional integration.

Four other ASEAN member countries have yet to ratify the charter, namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Myanmar and Thailand.

It was just a matter of time for the four states to ratify the ASEAN Charter, Pitsuwan said optimistically.

The ASEAN Charter was signed on November 20, 2007 by the Leaders of ASEAN's 10 member countries at the 13th ASEAN Summit in Singapore coinciding with ASEAN's 40th anniversary.

The charter embodies the association members' resolve to become a more solid and integrated regional community.(Antara)

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