Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Cambodia Weeds out Marijuana Plantation


The National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD) of Cambodia has announced it has completely stubbed out marijuana plantations in the kingdom, local media reported Tuesday.

"We have gained victory in rooting out marijuana, but what we are worrying about is the trafficking of synthesized drugs secretly produced in the country," NACD Secretary General Lou Ramin was quoted by the Mekong Times newspaper as saying.

"This is the first successful step in reducing drug trafficking in Cambodia, but we are not satisfied with the results as drug trafficking persists," he said.

In addition, Lou Ramin said that Cambodia's former reputation as a narcotics Mecca is beginning to change.

"We formerly suffered from accusations that our country is both a marijuana producer and a big marijuana exporter," he said, claiming that "marijuana is no longer available in Cambodia".

In 2000, Asean nations made a joint pledge with China to eliminate or drastically reduce narcotics production by 2015, he noted.

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