Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Campaign for Anti-Corruption Law Nearly Complete

By Seng Ratana, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh
21 April 2008

Khmer audio aired April 19 (823KB) - Download (MP3)
Khmer audio aired April 19 (823KB) - Listen (MP3)

Eleven non-governmental agencies have joined together in seeking a million signatures to push for an anti-corruption law that meets international standards.

The Million Signature Campaign is expected to be finished by the end of April, and organizers say they only lack 95,000 names.

The Cambodian government has continually failed to pass the anti-corruption law, which has been in a draft stage for a decade.

The National Assembly ended its final term ahead of general elections in July without passing the law. Yong Kim Eng, director of the Citizens for Peace and Development organization, said he expected the campaign to reach its goal without obstacles, in an effort to express the desire of the population to have the law.

The campaign has been conducted throughout 19 provinces since December 2007. Sek Borisotha, a program officer of the group Pact, one of the campaign sponsors, said the effort was important in displaying the will of the people.

Chiem Yeap, a lawmaker for the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, said he welcomed the campaign.

The law has so far been delayed by the complexity of the law, the need to establish an anti-corruption committee and secretariat, difficulties in the declaration of property and discussions on proper punishment, he said.

Groups participating in the campaign hope to hand the signatures over to the National Assembly in May.

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