Friday, 11 April 2008

French navy ship arrives in Cambodia for visit

Picture from Koh Santepheap by French Embassy

PHNOM PENH, April 10 (Xinhua) -- The French naval vessel Dupuy de Lome docked at the south-western Cambodian port of Sihanoukville on Thursday for a visit aimed at strengthening bilateral ties with Cambodian navy, French embassy official said.

The French navy delegation will exchange experiences with the Cambodian navy side, said Sabyene Mansecan, spokeswoman of the French embassy to Cambodia.

She said that the Dupuy de Lome ship, which is 102 meters in length and has 100 crew members, will anchor at Sihanoukville for four days.

The French delegation will meet with some senior Cambodian officials, including Say Hak, Governor of Sihanoukville, she added.

Editor: Song Shutao

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