Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Handcuffed suspect kills Cambodian policeman

Macau Daily Times
Wednesday, 23 April 2008

A handcuffed suspect yesterday shot dead a Cambodian police officer and wounded three others during a crackdown on drug trafficking at a guesthouse, police said.

The attack occurred as police raided a guesthouse in downtown Phnom Penh, city police chief Touch Naruth said.

Police arrested a suspect and handcuffed him during the raid but did not search him for hidden weapons, he said.

"It is regrettable," he said, adding that the incident was caused by the "negligence" of the police officers."

The drug traffickers dare to do everything to free themselves because they would be heavily punished," Touch Naruth said.

A second suspect fled after the attack.Impoverished Cambodia is becoming an increasingly popular trafficking point for narcotics, particularly methamphetamines and heroin, after neighbouring Thailand toughened its stance on illegal drugs in 2002.

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