Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Police Arrest Man Smuggling Out Heroine

By Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
08 April 2008

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Customs officers at Phnom Penh International Airport arrested one man attempting to leave the country Tuesday morning with more than 2 kilograms of heroine, police officials said.

Wang Kuo Lin, 28, a Taiwanese national, was leaving for Hong Kong, officials said, adding they did not know the source of the heroine.

Wang was detained at the anti-drug office of the Ministry of Interior and will be sent to Phnom Penh Municipal Court Wednesday, said Maj. Gen. Lour Ramin, secretary-general of the secretariat of the anti-drug office.

Wang had wrapped the heroine in a package around his torso, Lour Ramin said.

The arrest follows at least two airport busts last year: a Taiwanese man carrying 800 grams of heroine in October, and a Malaysian man with 580 methamphetamine tablets and a small packet of "ice heroine" in June.

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