Monday, 26 May 2008

Cambodia lifts ban on rice export


PHNOM PENH, May 26 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said here on Monday that the country would resume rice export from Tuesday.

"The ban on rice export for two months is over," Hun Sen said while addressing an inauguration ceremony at the National Institute of Education.

However, Cambodia can only export about 1.6 million tons of rice totally this year because the government has to guarantee food security for the country too, Hun Sen said.

From now on, rice export of over 100 tons has to be registered at the Ministry of Commerce while rice export lower than this has to be registered to custom officials at international border gates, he said.

"We have to know the data of rice export to protect food security for the country," he added.

In March, the Cambodian government imposed a two-month ban on rice export and released its stockpile to the market to curb spiraling rice prices.

This year Cambodia harvested 6.7 million tons of rice, according to official statistics.

Editor: Bi Mingxin

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