Saturday, 3 May 2008

Marriage Scheme Guilty Plea

May 2, 2008

NEW BRITAIN — - A local woman pleaded guilty Thursday to federal charges that she arranged a sham marriage for a foreign national seeking to get into the United States.

Hun Siv, 42, of Garry Drive admitted she was paid $7,000 to arrange the marriage, bringing the woman to Cambodia in May 2006 for a marriage ceremony, a press release said.

The woman Siv recruited to marry the man left him two days after the wedding and has not seen nor heard from him since.

The man was never able to enter the United States, prosecutors said.Judge Peter C. Dorsey has scheduled sentencing for Sept. 5. Siv faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, according to Nora R. Dannehy, acting U.S. attorney for Connecticut.

Siv has been free bail with electronic monitoring since her December 2007 arrest.

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