Saturday, 31 May 2008

World Vision inspires cycle for charity

CYCLE CHALLENGE: Craig Haythornthwaite of Stanmore Bay is preparing to cycle almost 500km across Cambodia with World Vision.
North Harbour News
Friday, 30 May 2008

When Craig Haythornthwaite turned 40 recently, he never dreamed he’d soon be cycling through the heartland of Cambodia.

But his milestone birthday was the inspiration he needed to try something different.

Craig, from Stanmore Bay, was reflecting on his life achievements, when World Vision approached him to join a cycling tour through Cambodia in November.

"I talked it over with my family and discussed whether or not I was up to it – then decided to sign up anyway."

He will be joining 20 others cycling from Siem Reap, travelling almost 500km to the southern port of Sihanoukville.

They will stop at the village of Koh Andaet, which is the focus of the trip.

"One of the major issues in Koh Andaet is that the water is high in carbon and cannot be used for bathing or washing, let alone drinking," says Craig.

"People resort to drinking flood water in the fields. This commonly leads to diarrhoea, typhoid and parasitic ingestion. Children are vulnerable to malnourishment and stunted growth as a result."

World Vision hopes to install wells and filtration systems in Koh Andaet, and money raised from this trip will be used to buy a water purifying machine.

"That will benefit the entire Koh Andaet development and secure a source of safe drinking water for over 17,000 people."

Craig says he and his wife have sponsored children with World Vision for many years, but he has never done anything like this before.

"Prior to this challenge, my daily routine was to sit in the car for an hour travelling to work, sit at my desk for eight hours, get back in the car for another hour travelling home, and then sit down on the couch before going to bed.

"Although training for this challenge still means a lot of time on my backside, there is one major difference – I will be preparing myself to cycle close to 500km across the heartland of Cambodia."

He says hearing of the massive need people have for things we take for granted, it’s easy to feel helpless.

"An event such as this though, is a unique way to help make a permanent difference to those who have so little.

"Even though things are tight financially for all of us at present, we are still very fortunate to live in New Zealand. When we turn on the tap, we don’t have to worry about disease-ridden contaminated water."

The group will be visiting the Koh Andaet village development to meet the people who will benefit from the challenge and see first-hand the conditions in which they live.

Craig needs to raise $6000 to complete this challenge.

"If I need to stand outside my local supermarket every weekend selling 6000 sausages I will.

"That seems almost as daunting to me as biking long distances through the Cambodian countryside."

But he won’t let money stop him.

"This is an experience too good to miss – the chance to travel to an exotic country and the inspiring opportunity to help others less fortunate than myself," he says.

"This is not just a stop-gap method of reducing poverty. It will make a profound and live-saving difference for thousands of people and generations to come."

He says he is really excited by this prospect.

"This is a chance for all of us to help make a life-saving change for others less fortunate than ourselves. We onlyget one life to make a difference."

For more information or to sponsor Craig, email cam or phone (09) 631-1407 or visit CharityChallenges.

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