Friday, 6 June 2008

Former Khmer Rouge leader discharged from Cambodian hospital

M&G; Asia-Pacific News

Jun 5, 2008

Phnom Penh - Former Khmer Rouge head of state Khieu Samphan was discharged from hospital and was returning to prison, where he faces charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes, his lawyer said Thursday.

Say Bory said Samphan's immediate family informed him that doctors at the capital Calmette Hospital declared Samphan fit to return to his cell.

'I spoke to his wife a few minutes ago. They are preparing to return now,' Bory said Thursday afternoon.

'He is not in good health because he cannot walk unassisted,' he said, but did not complain about the diagnosis. 'I am immediately drafting a letter to request conjugal visits so he can be better taken care of.'

Samphan, 76, was moved by ambulance on May 21 from his cell to hospital after being diagnosed with high blood pressure. His family has said he is suffering weakness down his left side.

Five aging and ailing former Khmer Rouge leaders are currently in the custody of the joint UN-Cambodian court set up to try them and advocates have urged haste if they are to face justice.

Up to 2 million Cambodians died under the 1975-79 regime, but Samphan has denied all knowledge of the massacre, saying his job kept him busy and nobody appraised him of the situation.

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